
The Toxicology of Cosmetology – part 2, your HOME

The Toxicology of Cosmetology – part 2, your HOME

While it is most important, of course, to be concerned about what you are putting in or on your body, it is also important to consider what products you are using to care for your home. Household cleaning products can contain chemicals that are harmful to your body and mind. When we clean our homes, we forget that the products remain on the surfaces where we can touch them and inhale them. So how can you tell what products are safe? A great resource is Environmental Working Group (EWG), a non-for-profit organization that has a mission to empower people with breakthrough research to make informed choices and live a healthy life in a healthy environment.

Each year, EWG publishes the “Dirty Dozen” and “Clean Fifteen” lists, which document those products that are most and least dangerous to us based on their extensive research. You can visit to sign up for a free digital copy of these lists. Just because something says it is “natural” on the label, doesn’t mean it is – those products could be a fraud! Visit EWG’s website today and do what Dr. Laura J. Anderson and Dr. Van Lemons recommend – research to beat the toxicology of cosmetology in your life and your home!

Household cleaning products